Get involved

In your community

If you would like to set up a platform, support network or a workshop in your community please fill out the form below! 


Partner with us.

We love finding ways to work with people and organizations of like minds. We want to hear more about you and your ideas on how you envision partnering with us.


Build a safe zone in your hometown!

If you would like to set up a platform, support network or a workshop in your community please fill out the form below! 


Invite Kaur Voices to speak
at your event

By talking about the importance of honesty and community in a way that is dynamic, conversational, raw, and ultimately hopeful, our speakers let audiences know that, no matter what, they are not alone. At Kaur Voices events, we also like to feature a music therapy sessions that connects with our message and can create a unique and moving experience


Bring Kaur Voices to your community

Kaur Voices is committed to educate others about the topics we address such as: depression, addiction, self-injury, suicide, anxiety, eating disorders, and the role a trusted community plays in bringing hope to those who feel broken. In a one- or two-day workshop led by professional counselors, we explore what is behind these struggles, what recovery looks like, and how we can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.
