Our Vision
To End Sexual Violence
To create a world where all voices are empowered, and all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
Where victims of abuse are heard, seen and supported to heal and not limited or oppressed in any way
Our Mission
To build safe spaces, free of judgement and prejudice, where real-life stories and issues can be shared.
To encourage people to break the silence by sharing their story.
To remove the idea of ‘shame’ in speaking up
To offer support to those who feel isolated and provide adequate resources.
To help people learn that they are not alone and that other people do care.
To offer training and education to equip people with better emotional coping methods
To use music as a means of support through emotional distress.
To provide preventative training for all people on how to interact with the opposite gender - how not to misuse sexuality
To provide training, resources and education to prevent sexual violence and abuse.
“What inspired your passion to serve this mission?
Carrying my own pain and shame for more than 3 decades felt like a light burden to carry because I thought I was the only one, until I realised I wasn’t and the burden became unbearably heavier!
The moment that I learnt, that EVERY single woman I know has a #metoo story, I was heartbroken.
To realise that this isn’t a world that’s safe anymore was horrifying!
My faith teaches me to stand for justice and I felt a deep need to do something, anything that will ease the pain.
It was the stories I heard from people around me that drove me to action to be certain that this must change and we are in this together! To learn that I wasn’t alone, that we are not alone.
We laugh together, we weep together and we fight together. And together WE can and must make the world a better and safer place.”
— Jasvir Kaur Rababan MBE, Founder CEO, Kaur Voices